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Prêts professionnels,
en toute simplicité.

1st estimate in 10m, full analysis under 48h hours.
Transparent rates.
Tailored to the self-employed.

Test your eligibility in 30 seconds thanks to mozzeno & Accountable

J'ai besoin de 7,000

5,000 € 50,000 €

over a period of 12 months

6 months 48 months
Check rates & eligibility on mozzeno Simulation sans engagement Aucun frais lié à votre simulation
mozzeno & Accountable unite to
help self-employed professionals
grow their businesses
tout ce qu’il vous faut

Un crédit selon vos besoins

Investissement: véhicule, machine, bâtiment
Financing of current expenses & working capital
Avance sur fonds de roulement
pour tout le monde

Conditions transparentes

For everyone, incl. part time & limited companies
Minimum 3 ans d'activité
Le prêt n’est pas conditionné au chiffre d’affaires, simplement à la capacité de remboursement.
Sur-mesure pour les indépendants

Le prêt professionnel, simplement

Risques et conditions exposés clairement
Nous vous expliquons l’impact fiscal
Notre équipe est disponible pour vos questions

Accountable maintenant

Vos finances d'indépendant,
en mieux

Démarrez gratuitement


Comment Accountable peut-il m'aider à obtenir un crédit?

- With Accountable, you are in complete control of your finances: you know exactly what you earn net, what you should provision for taxes, and, last but not least, what you can afford to spend.

- Should you need more money to grow your business than what you have available, we help you get a business loan. In this aim, we identify partners that can reliably lend you money.

- One of them is mozzeno, as you can see. You can already see online what you can expect to borrow and we make sure our users' questions to mozzeno's team are fast- tracked.

- Last but not least, our Customer Success team is available to answer your questions regarding loans.

Pourquoi Accountable s'associe-t-il à mozzeno pour les crédits professionnels ?

We are reviewing the offers available on the market and we already identified one, by mozzeno. We like their collaborative approach and the fact that they give fast answers. Why would you have to wait to grow your business?

Quels sont les frais associés ?

Accountable does not charge anything related to business loans. We do not charge either for answering your questions, be they relative to your credit as a self-employed or the deductibility of financial charges.

Accountable and mozzeno are two distinct entities. Accountable is not liable for mozzeno performance, nor this cost structure.

Qu'est-ce qu'un prêt professionnel ?

A business loan is a loan that you make for your professional activity, as a self-employed.

Such loans can cover a variety of use-cases: support an investment (e.g. purchase of a machine, a vehicle, a building), or more generally improve your working capital (e.g. to face short-term working capital, late payments, etc.)

Loans to cover your personal consumption are not business loans and obey to a different regulation.

Quelles sont mes options si je suis indépendant complémentaire ?

There are no differences between complementary & full-time self-employed professionals when it comes to business loans.

As a complementary self-employed, you have the same rights to invest in your business as if you were full-time.

Qui est éligible pour un prêt professionnel ?

Tout indépendant, à titre principal ou complémentaire, en personne physique ou en société. La seule condition est d'avoir trois ans d'activité. Ce n'est pas votre chiffre d'affaires qui compte, que votre capacité à rembourser l'emprunt qui compte.

Comment un prêt professionnel est-il taxé ?

Business loans are not taxed: the money you get from the lender is not taxed. This is not revenue.

That said, interests from the loan are fully deductible if the loan is 100% applicable to your business, whatever the use of the funds (i.e. working capital, investment, etc.).

In other words, interest from your business loan will help decrease your taxable income, hence your taxes.

Contact us (mailto:[email protected]) for more info.

Pouvez-vous m'aider si j'ai des questions au sujet d'un prêt ?

Yes, of course!

Our team not only knows what to answer to your questions as a self-employed. They also know what you should know and will tell you exactly that! Last but not least, we don't speak jargon.

We are looking forward to answering your questions regarding access to credit.

Partagez-vous mes données avec mozzeno ?

No, we do not share any personal data with any third party.

Your data is yours, and only yours. This is a core principle of Accountable and a value we stand for.

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