
Vos impôts d'indépendant ?
Déjà faits.

Votre ami vous invite sur Accountable.
Créez votre compte ici gratuitement et bénéficiez d'un mois d'essai gratuit additionnel.

Démarrer gratuitement
La solution belge qui vous sauve du cauchemar fiscal
Une appli et une équipe à votre service vous libèrent des factures, des reçus et des obligations fiscales. Rejoignez 20.000 indépendants 🇧🇪.

Je sais enfin ce que je gagne et combien je peux dépenser, sans devoir me préoccuper de mes prochaines échéances fiscales.


Many thanks for the follow-up! It is a pleasure to meet a company with that quality of customer care.
Keep up the good job, I've been telling everybody about you.


Équipe très réactive et qui donne de bons conseils pour débuter comme indépendant. merci !!!


Envoyez des factures irréprochables

Vos clients paieront sans attendre Envoyez des factures personnalisées
Vos factures ont les mentions légales obligatoires
Nous vous aidons à envoyer des rappels

Vos déclarations garanties 100% correctes

Vous savez à tout moment ce que vous paierez à la TVA, aux cotisations sociales, aux impôts Vous recevez un rappel dès que vous avez une échéance
Vos déclarations sont prêtes à être soumises
Vous recevez des recommandations pour optimiser vos impôts

Ne perdez plus un reçu

Vous savez tout ce que vous pouvez déduire Vous scannez un reçu, vous voyez son impact sur vos impôts
Vous recevez une recommandation fiscale à chaque reçu
L'appli réconcilie factures et paiements

Utilisez tout le pouvoir de votre compte en banque

Vous avez accès à toutes vos transactions dans l'appli Vous voyez ce que vous devez mettre de côté pour les impôts
Nous vous avertissons dès que votre client paie
Vous savez ce que vous pouvez dépenser au jour le jour

Fair & transparent pricing

Choose our FREE plan for your invoicing or discover our gain full indpendence starting from €15.50 / month.

Facturation GRATUITE


Facturation électronique gratuite pour tout le monde, comprenant l’enregistrement PEPPOL.

Une offre de prix simple et transparente

Nous répondons vite à vos questions

Notre équipe connaît les questions qui se posent aux indépendants. Elle y répond pour vous, avec l'aide de nos partenaires-comptables.

La meilleure solution, avec ou sans comptable

Prenez votre administration en main ou laissez votre comptable vous donner des conseils à haute valeur ajoutée. Avec votre consentement, il a accès à tous vos documents dans l’application.

See our offer

À la recherche d’un comptable ?

Profitez des services comptables à la carte par nos partenaires experts-comptables, à un prix transparent.

Voir les services comptables accountant

Êtes-vous comptable ?

Vous allez aimer notre interface comptable : gratuite, intuitive, faite pour les comptables qui préfèrent le conseil à l’encodage.

En savoir plus accountant
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Démarrez sur Accountable

Laissez votre admin à notre app, elle le fait mieux.


Que se passe-t-il si je fais une erreur ?

Without or without the app: you are in charge of your invoices and expenses. The difference Accountable makes is that we guide you through all the steps.

Let’s take our invoicing feature, for example. We make sure all the relevant legal mentions are included in your invoices. When you scan a receipt, we automatically calculate the deductibility and make sure all the necessary information is there. Before exporting your tax returns, we also do a check of all your documents to make sure you did not make any mistakes.

If you’re still worried that you might have made a mistake, you can always ask one of our team members for help or request help from one of our partner accountants through our on-demand services.

Puis-je utiliser Accountable avec mon expert-comptable ?

Definitely! You can use Accountable whether you have an accountant or not.

If you have an accountant, you can give them access to your documents through our free accounting interface called Accountable Expert.

That way you enjoy complete control over your taxes and accounting and your accountant can concentrate on what they do best: giving great advice.

Do you have any questions about this? Don’t hesitate to contact us through the chat in your right hand corner.

Votre application est-elle sure ?

Properly safe, for several reasons:

  1. Our data infrastructure is secure: we run regular pen-tests & are audited every year. All communications are encrypted. We deliver what you would expect from the best financial players in the world.

  2. We never share data with 3rd parties. Never. When we display tips & analyses, they are generated only for you and if a button leads you to a partner we like, no data is ever shared: you start from zero on their site.

  3. Your data is yours, 100%. You can ask us to delete your account & records at any point. We will execute it with the highest diligence.

  4. We have a "read only" access on your bank transactions, meaning that we cannot initiate transactions on your behalf.

  5. As a payment institution regulated under the National Bank of Belgium, we have the strictest data security processes in place to protect your data. We are regularly audited and have strict reporting obligations.

  6. Your trust is our biggest asset. We know we cannot mess this up.

Do you have any questions about this? Feel free to contact our support team!

How much does Accountable cost?

Accountable is available in a free version. With this, you can use the mobile app and add up to 5 documents per month.

Accountable BASIC, which is perfect for self-employed professionals who have an accountant, costs €10/month (excl. VAT) for a yearly subscription and €15/month (excl. VAT) for a monthly subscription.

Accountable PRO, which is perfect for companies and self-employed professionals who like full control over their accounting and taxes, costs €20/month (excl. VAT) for a yearly subscription and €30/month (excl. VAT) for a monthly subscription.

Ai-je besoin d’un expert-comptable, avec Accountable ?

Whether you use Accountable with or without an accountant is up to you. What is good to know:

If you want to manage your own taxes and accounting with Accountable it is entirely possible. Accountable is able to take care of all your administrative and tax obligations as a self-employed natural person (personne physique/eenmanszaak). From VAT to income tax and from your client listings to your social contributions, our app covers it all. We also made sure that the app is easy to use, even if you have no accounting knowledge.

We know that there is more to being your own boss than meets the eye. Knowing what you need to do and when is no small feat. Especially when it is only you and every minute counts. That is why our customer success team is there to answer any of your questions: we are with you every step of the way.

We also know our limits. For complex questions that require an individual analysis, we will be happy to connect you to one of our partner accountants in your region. Contact us for more information.

That being said, if you would like to keep working with your accountant, that is of course possible too. You can easily share your documents with them through our accounting interface. It is intuitive, easy to use and free!

Accountable est-elle adaptée aux indépendants complémentaires et étudiants ?

Yes! The app can be completely tailored to your status. The only thing you’ll have to do, is tell us what your status is and we will do the rest.

The app takes into account whatever amounts, ceilings and thresholds are applicable to you and warns you when you might need to do something.

Accountable est-elle disponible pour les indépendants en société ?

Yes of course! You can use Accountable to create invoices, manage your professional expenses and connect your bank account(s). This will give you a complete overview of your finances and help you make better decisions for your company.

The app can also generate your VAT returns and tell you how much you will need to set side for this. We unfortunately do not cover company tax yet, though.

At the end of the quarter, you can share all of your documents, already encoded, with your accountant so that they can concentrate on giving you great advice.