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Accountable raises €5,7 million to serve the European self-employed

Written by Nicolas Quarré, Co-founder & CEO
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Read in 2 minutes

🎙 “Belgian startup raises €5.7 million from two UK investors. That’s a nice Series A, two years after Seed Funding brought in two million in 2019.

It is excellent news for you who use Accountable. We will strengthen and simplify the product. We will reach more self-employed in Germany, Belgium and another market in Europe.

That’s good, but it’s not the whole story.

This fundraising is also about two investors, Stride VC and Connect Ventures, who are on our side. Their job is to spot trends and sponsor innovative solutions. By investing in Accountable, they recognize a phenomenon, a movement accelerating and outpacing the crises we are experiencing.

Work is changing, fast and hard.

Thousands of you are pioneers of this change, in Belgium and Europe. To start your own business and work as a freelancer.

You give your work meaning. You give it direction.

You are the pillar of the Belgian and European economy: one in five workers is self-employed. The self-employed segment is the fastest-growing segment in Europe, faster than any other segment.

Investors have understood this. They want an application like ours, which radically simplifies your life and your taxes, to have the wind in its sails.

Making your life easier.
Giving you the means to grow

Each of your businesses has seen the emergence of new tools, closer to your realities, to make your life easier.

There is one reality that is still too complex: your taxes, your finances, that constant cloud of “did I send/pay/submit/deduct this or that? ”

That’s why we created Accountable in 2019. We, too, didn’t want that cloud hanging over our heads as contractors anymore.

We wanted to save you all time.
Give you visibility on your taxes.
Offer you an answer to all your questions, even the one you didn’t know you needed to ask, even if you’re not fluent in tax speech.

In short, we’re here to give you the visibility you need to grow.

You’re the boss, after all.

This month, Stride VC is leading a new investment round in Accountable, convinced by this vision. Connect Ventures, which invested in 2019, joins Stride VC.  We get fresh fuel to accelerate product development, expand customer support teams, reach more independents in Europe.

You will be the first to benefit from this fundraising. We will put into practice the feedback you have shared with us in thousands of conversations. You will see a better billing module, quotes, more tax tips, and analysis.

Simplicity. Efficiency. Confidence.
So you can focus on what matters to you.

Our conclusion

5.7 million euros is a lot of money.

It would be easy to be ambitious and enthusiastic when it’s money that others are betting. Fortunately, we don’t intend to take the easy way out.

We know that our success depends on focusing on the developments that matter to you.

Our success depends on the rigor with which we make decisions.

Above all, our success depends on the energy we put into listening and responding to your needs, into refusing compromises.

We’re excited to serve the self-employed faster and better.

Nicolas & Alexis



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Just add your invoices. Accountable generates all of your tax returns without mistakes..
Nicolas Quarré, Co-founder & CEO
Nicolas Quarré, Co-founder & CEO

Nicolas knows first-hand the pain of the self-employed, facing heavy financial & admin obligations. He is here to solve that.
Before launching Accountable, Nicolas gathered extensive experience as a digital entrepreneur, including in Brazil. If he could pick a magic power, that would be ubiquity: he would run Accountable at maximal speed while enjoying family time.

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