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Subsidies voor artiesten en kunstenaars

Financial support and grants for artists

Written by Valesca from Accountable
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Are you an artist or creative professional dreaming of making a living from your work? It’s not always easy, but luckily, there are grants and tax schemes designed to support you.

In fact, the entire artist status was reformed at the beginning of this year, along with financial support provided by the federal government. But who is entitled to this support, and who isn’t? This question is closely tied to the definition of ‘Art’.

Which artists are eligible for grants and other financial support?

What is ‘Art’? As of January 2024, the answer to this question lies in the hands of the Kunstwerkcommissie‘ (Artworks Commission). They use the following definition:

An activity is considered artistic if it makes a necessary artistic, artistic-technical, or artistic-supporting contribution to an artistic creation or performance.

On “Working in the Arts“, the new website dedicated to the reformed artist status, you can also find the various artistic fields to which this definition applies: audiovisual and visual arts, music, literature, performance, theatre, choreography, and comics.

The Artworks Certificate for Professional Artists

If you want to work as a professional artist, the ‘Artworks Certificate’ (kunstwerkattest), issued by the Artworks Commission, grants you access to various financial and tax schemes provided by the federal government. Support is available for both self-employed artists and those with other statuses. Here’s an overview:

The ‘primostarter’ or starter discount

If your annual income remains below a certain threshold, as a self-employed individual, you can apply for a reduced social contribution for the first 4 quarters, with an additional one-time discount for the first quarter. This is a general scheme for new self-employed professionals, and as an artist, you can extend this reduced social contribution to cover up to 8 quarters.

The Artworks Contract 1bis

As an artist with multiple short-term assignments, it can be difficult to secure a traditional employment contract. Through the Artworks Contract 1bis, you receive the same social protection as an employee, even if you don’t have an employment contract.

The Artworks Benefit (kunstwerkuitkering)

As an artist, you may experience periods without assignments. Through the Artworks Benefit, you can rely on unemployment benefits during these times, and with the Artworks Certificate, this benefit can be maintained at the highest level for a longer period.

Earning extra income as an ‘amateur artist’?

If you occasionally earn money from artistic assignments but are not a professional artist, you can use the amateur artist compensation (amateurskunstenvergoeding) for ‘artistic work on request’. You don’t need an Artworks Certificate for this; you just need to register online with ‘Working in the Arts’.

The amateur artist compensation is considered an expense allowance, so you won’t pay taxes or social security on this income. However, the conditions are that you earn no more than €70 per day and work a maximum of 30 days per year. You can also work for a maximum of 7 consecutive days with the same client. Additionally, you can receive a separate travel allowance if you can provide proof of your expenses.

💡Accountable tip: If you start earning more frequently or in greater amounts from your artistic side work, you might consider registering as a self-employed person in secondary occupation. There are also other ways to declare these earnings advantageously—read more about this in this blog.

Copyright revenue for creative professions

Many creative professionals sell (the usage rights to) the copyrights of their creations. In addition to VAT (usually 6%), only a 15% withholding tax applies. This is fiscally more advantageous than the progressive personal income tax they would pay on an hourly or daily rate.

In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about invoicing for copyrights.

Grants and other funding

Not everyone can generate sufficient income from their artistic projects on their own. Fortunately, there are various grants available to support the cultural sector.

At the Flemish level, and also at the European level under the Creative Europe program, there are numerous grants to be found. VLAIO, the Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, also provides a handy overview of grants for international cultural collaborations on its website.

The grant landscape, however, is complex, and each grant application requires a tailored dossier. That’s where the Cultuurloket comes in. They offer business support for the cultural sector and help artists navigate the path to the right grants and funding.

In addition to grants, there are other ways to raise money for a project. The Cultuurloket website offers a comprehensive overview of possible funding options, such as crowdfunding, a friends and family share, or a guarantee scheme for a bank loan. There is also the Tax Shelter, a system that allows companies to invest in your project in a tax-efficient manner.

Do you want to live from your art or artistic projects? As an artist, you are always a bit of an entrepreneur, regardless of your status. That’s why we at Accountable are here to assist you with the practical aspects of your artistic career. Team Accountable wishes you much success in your artistic endeavors and a vibrant creativity.

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Valesca from Accountable
Valesca from Accountable

As a Content Manager at Accountable, Valesca offers her readers an exciting and engaging content experience. Given her own experience as a freelance content marketeer & copywriter, Valesca knows the ins and outs of tax returns for the self-employed. It’s her goal to provide you with easy and understandable solutions to handle your tax returns stress-free with Accountable.

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